Shroom Trip Report
Trip Report: Penis Envy
I chose a purportedly strong species, Penis Envy for a shroom trip report. So this was my first time eating Penis Envy magic mushrooms. I was with one of my best friends in the world, and a mutual friend of ours. They were both less experienced than I. We all ate a bit over two grams, hanging out at the mutual friend’s place. I started feeling them in about a half an hour after eating. At first it was just a mellow, giggly feeling, then some very minor hallucinations – the mutual friend had a poster of a nuke bomb mushroom cloud on his wall, and I watched it move as if the bomb just went off. It’s hard to explain the other visual hallucination I had, it was basically that everything that moved left a trace behind it. Like when my friend got off the bed we were sitting on, a few copies of him were left behind him. But I loved it. We went outside and walked by the lake for a long while, looking at the sky (looked amazing), talking about random shit. Can’t wait until next time to remember more thoughts for my shroom trip report.
Shroom Trip Report: The Details
Motivation For Consuming: | Curiosity |
Mushroom Species: | Penis Envy |
Mushroom Form Factor: | Dried Mushrooms |
Product Name: | |
Brand: | |
Amount of Mushrooms Consumed in Grams: | 2 |
Age: | 26 |
Gender: | Female |
Background Music: | Carbon Based Lifeforms – Derelicts |