Pisatahua invites you to the idyllic Aquicuana reserve in Riberalta, Bolivia for an unforgettable Ayahuasca retreat. The Pisatahua Ecolodge is located on 80 hectares of highly biodiverse land, ensuring a deep connection with nature and wildlife. We are passionate about creating a sustainable way of life in the Amazon. You will engage in programs that focus on recycling, composting and reciprocity to serve this mission, and to maintain the ecological beauty of the location.

We offer master plant dietas and retreats of different durations, ranging from 10 to 12 days. Our program gives individuals the chance to learn and work with plant medicines in one of the Amazon’s most biologically sprawling rainforests. Along with the wise Ayahuasca plant, we also utilize Wachuma, tobacco and coca in our healings. Our healers are experts in the teachings of Amazonian plant medicines. Their service and guidance is guaranteed to give you a spiritual transformation of the highest quality.

Many of the activities will be held in our authentic Maloca, overlooking the Aquicana lake. During our retreat you will experience Ayahuasca ceremonies, a coca ceremony, yoga classes and guided meditation, hikes through the jungle, plant baths and many more activities designed to cleanse and evolve the spirit. Throughout the retreat, we will discuss dietas that support the workings of the master plants. The dieta is critical to plant medicine healing, ensuring the right foundation and helping you detoxify your body and mind. Our healers will guide you before, during and after the ceremonies to ensure that you leave feeling rejuvenated and at peace. They will be available for consultation and help with integration.

Get in touch with us and book your stay!
- Spacious accommodation in lake-front cabins
- Small-group Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies
- Private consultation with healers
- Non-profit work to support local communities and nature reserve