burmese magic mushrooms

Burmese Magic Mushrooms

Burmese Magic Mushrooms: Background

Burmese magic mushrooms are Southeast Asian species that grow large amounts of medium to large fruiting bodies. Burmese magic mushrooms are easy to cultivate and have rapid colonizing times. The coloration of caps ranges between different shades of dark brown, usually darker towards the center, and possesses a moderately thick stem (stipe). With higher potency, experienced psychonauts enjoy this strain for it’s effects of euphoria, geometric visuals, and dreamlike relaxation.

If you are looking to get up to speed on magic mushrooms, these articles on Frshminds will get you there in no time:

Burmese Magic Mushrooms: Habitat

Southeast Asia

Burmese Magic Mushrooms: Taxonomy/Naming



Species Name


Sub Species


Common Name

Burmese Magic Mushrooms

Burmese Magic Mushrooms: Physical Description


The colouration of caps ranges between different shades of dark brown, usually darker towards the center.


Spore Print



Possesses a moderately thick stipe.

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