One Spirit, Infinite Journeys invites you for a 7 day psilocybin retreat in Costa Rica. Our wellness center set high in the picturesque Mount Chiripo. From this gorgeous perch, guests are encouraged to get outside, breath the fresh mountain air, and experience a rare sense of tranquility. We have deep experience in a variety of plant medicines, and more broadly defined approaches to healing. We seek only to bring that love inside all of us out proudly to the surface, to share with those around and to enjoy life in the best way one can.
No two guests are alike. The team at One Spirit, Infinite Journeys works hard to create precisely the sort of environment and care that you need to move forward in your personal journey. We offer group retreats, private and custom retreats, and a number of other ways to engage with you. And a focus on the integration of the work you’ve done with us, so that you can better draw on these learnings, is at the very core of what we do. Long after you have left us, we continue to engage you and give you ways to connect with your community for lasting bonds and greater harmony.