The Nihue Rao 4 Week Ayahuasca Retreat in Iquitos, Peru, invites you to discover and embrace the healing power of the ayahuasca medicine. The ayahuasca healing center is located along the Amazon River in the lush jungle. It is an optimal location for exploring the knowledge of the variety of Amazonian plant medicines.
Our retreats are designed for a range of participants. Whether you are discovering Ayahuasca for the first time, or you are seeking mastery, we can guide you. We provide programs led by team of specialists in shamanic medicine treatment and the Shipibo tradition. Maestro Ricardo Amaringo and his family guide our ceremonies.
You will receive ayahuasca ceremonies and other natural plant medicines for purging and cleaning the stomach during the journey. We also use other forms of therapy for cleansing the body’s energy.
You will be guided personally and collectively, with icaros and a debriefing by Maestro Ricardo Amaringo and further support from trained staff. After the journey with ayahuasca, you will open yourself to the reality of the spiritual world and learn how to navigate the experience.