Magic Truffle Experience

The Magic Truffle Experience

What if you could get a glimpse into the magic truffle experience before trying them for the first time?

Well, you can! We scoured the internet looking for magic truffle experiences from several users.

Whether you’re looking to microdose, use “philosopher’s stones” recreationally in low or high doses, or go to a psychedelics retreat, you can get an idea of what to expect in this article.

The Magic Truffle Experience: Microdosing

Lilli Steingraeber, the director of ProviThor and a pioneer microdosing entrepreneur, believes magic truffles can be used for recreational purposes but they’re better for microdosing.

“They are extremely well suited for microdosing,” she said, “but need more preparation for high dosing, as the truffle cells are hard and resistant, unlike mushroom cells that are soft and release the [psychedelic] substances easily.”

Magic truffles are very healing and healthy in microdosing.

Lilli Steingraeber

According to her, some of their benefits include “healing inflammation and wounds (physical and mental); reducing anxiety and stress; healing depression and cluster headaches; increasing empathy, intelligence, and the ability to solve problems; and increasing focus and inner energy.”

Since microdosing is aimed at increasing health and wellness, we’ll take a look at one of the most complete studies to date on psychedelic microdosing instead of anecdotal evidence reported by users or vendors.

In this 2019 study, researchers concluded that, yes, microdosing can be beneficial — but not as much as reported in the media — and, no, it isn’t for everyone.

Let’s break it down!

So, they divided it into two studies:

  • Study One followed 98 people who microdose. Researchers registered their daily ratings of psychological functioning over six weeks. 63 of them completed more thorough psychometric measurements before and after the study.
  • Study Two aimed to understand if pre-existing beliefs and expectations about microdosing influenced the outcome. A mix of 263 naïve and experienced microdosers was evaluated.

The goal of the first study was to assess the benefits of microdosing, while the second one aimed to find out if pre-existing bias could influence the outcome.

During Study One, researchers observed that “microdosing led to an increase across all psychological functions measured on dosing days, compared to baseline scores.”

The psychological functions evaluated were focus, productivity, absorption, depression, and stress. By “absorption” they mean someone has an “intense engagement with nature and aesthetic involvement with art.”

The increase in focus and productivity was maintained even days after they stopped microdosing but the other parameters weren’t. The rates of depression and stress significantly decreased as the study went on suggesting that microdosing does improve mental wellbeing.

However, some participants reported increased neuroticism that translated into an increase in the intensity of emotions, both good and bad. This is what led researchers to claim microdosing isn’t for everyone.

Now, on to Study Two: researchers started by noting that participants had very high expectations about the positive effects of microdosing. Aside from the indicators mentioned above, they expected their creativity and mindfulness to increase but neuroticism to decrease.

Study Two corroborated the finding from Study One — people scored higher for the same psychological functions, including neuroticism, but there were no significant increases in creativity or mindfulness.

This is a strong indicator that microdosing does work since it showed that preconceived ideas didn’t influence the outcome. From this study, we can conclude that the benefits of microdosing aren’t placebo-effect but reality.

The Magic Truffle Experience in a Psychedelic Retreat

Synthesis Retreat is a leading psychedelic retreat in Amsterdam offering safe, legal, and medically supervised psychedelic experiences.

Their services are a perfect fit for anyone looking “to utilize moderate-to-high doses of truffles to catalyze creative breakthroughs, explore consciousness, find meaning, improve confidence, and search for a mystical experience.”

At Synthesis Retreat, they use fresh truffles to make truffle/ginger-infused tea. This makes it more pleasant as the ginger slightly masks the flavor of the truffles and also helps settle the stomach since truffles may give you nausea. You can have a second cup to re-dose if needed.

The trip usually lasts between four and eight hours. They described that people get strong rushes of emotion during their psychedelic journey. Euphoria, feeling immersed in the surroundings, and visual changes are the most common effects.

But, most importantly, people get thoughts that surprise them, have personal epiphanies, and associate ideas that were totally disparate before.

At times, a process known as ego-dissolution takes place — basically, your sense of self dissolves and you become one with the world around you.

“Users describe profound changes in perception, including bodily sensations, deep emotional insights, and mystical experiences.” It can be quite intense.

And while some “reach a new understanding of their inner life or their outer world during the experience itself,” others need reinterpretation or integration practices to develop this understanding later.

Recreational Magic Truffle Experiences

The team at 24High claims that you need a dose of 20 to 25 grams of fresh magic truffles to have a truly amazing experience.

With this dosage, “it’s a once in a lifetime experience similar to the magic mushroom experience since the active substance (psilocybin) is the same.”

From hallucinations to vivid colors — nature, such as plants and flowers, is living and moving!

24High Team

They recommend you trip in a natural environment for the best possible experience.

However, as we mentioned above, Lilli Steingraeber believes magic truffles are better suited to microdose than for recreational purposes.

“Magic truffles are generally smoother and softer than magic mushrooms in high doses and, thus, are especially useful for therapeutic applications,” she said.

Before we get into some magic truffle experiences psychonauts shared online, it’s important to mention that trips vary from person to person but also from trip to trip — they’re never the same!

With that in mind, let’s get to some interesting experiences — the hardest part was picking which ones to feature!

The Magic Truffle vs. Magic Mushroom Experience

Most people report that the magic truffle trip isn’t as intense as a magic mushroom trip in terms of visuals but that there’s still a considerable head and body high.

One Reddit user wrote “After a walk through the city I remember lying down next to my wife and seeing words, like ‘compassion, love, peace,’ and the like, floating through my consciousness. Then I just laid in euphoria for a couple of hours.”

Another agreed and added that “the visuals were much less intense, but the body high was great. I highly recommend truffles if you are planning on walking around, especially in a populated area.”

And another highlighted that the one advantage of shrooms over truffles is that the latter’s “taste is horrible and you have to take more grams for the same effects.” He advised psychonauts to get higher potency truffles so that they don’t have to eat as much.

Magic Truffles: A Mild but Life-Changing Experience

We just have to share the story of this one Reddit user. Besides having an incredibly pleasant and transformative experience, he describes it with great detail — definitely worth the read:

“The first thing I noticed was the colors,” he recounts. “Everything became absolutely gorgeous. Mundane, bland colors became vibrant and full of life […] — almost mystifying.”

But the most interesting part is how he describes the transformative effect this trip had on him: “Mentally I was in pure bliss. Life was beautiful and I realized all of my problems were a direct result of my negative outlook and reaction to everything.”

“I came to terms with my anger towards the world and in turn my lingering depression that I had been dealing with disappeared.”

“I’ve since had a better relationship with my parents, friends, and everyone that I come in contact with.”

“It showed me that the world is beautiful and that being happy isn’t based on what I have but instead having a positive outlook on life.”

Magic Truffles: Intense Experiences with Higher Doses

A Reddit user who was already an experienced psychonaut and two of his friends had 20 grams of truffles each (one had 15 since it was his first time).

In only 15 minutes, the effects started to kick in and they started having very strong visuals as the peak came about.

As they walked through a green area and later settled down in the woods, they were mesmerized with the beauty of nature — “the trip that followed was nothing less than magical. […] We talked for hours about the color green, about how magical it was […].”

“We felt completely one with nature. Our sense of time was gone too; it felt like we had been in the forest for days.”

Not everything was rainbows and sunshine. But they still enjoyed every part of it — “I hallucinated scary creatures every time I looked down, but they didn’t bother me at all. They were creatures of the forest, and they were inviting me in.”

He finished the trip report by saying that “the trip was dominated by so much happiness, appreciation of nature, each other, our lives at the moment. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that feeling.”

Doing truffles in nature? 100/10, an unforgettable experience.

Reddit user

One other user had 15 grams of magic truffles with a friend. Both had a strong but very fun and pleasant psychedelic experience.

Three weeks later, he recounted his experience on a trip report: “The next day was normal. I was a little calmer and more appreciative about life […]. I was still a bit overwhelmed by the trip and tried to process it.”

He concluded by saying “It was a positive and beautiful experience. No long-term realizations, except that I appreciate the moment a bit more and don’t stress about the future as much or focus on the past.”

Key Takeaways: The Magic Truffle Experience

Microdosing and psychedelic retreats can be incredibly helpful for some people. However, while in retreats qualified people are guiding and advising you, microdosing is still a bit experimental.

Talk with your health provider before you start microdosing — especially if you have underlying health conditions or take other medications. Writing down how you feel throughout your microdosing journey can also be helpful.

When you’re well physically and mentally and in the right setting, the magic truffle experience can be amazing! It’s a great way to make unique and unforgettable memories with your friends.

Take some time to research how to prepare for a trip and how to deal with a bad trip — just in case. You can find plenty of magic truffle dosage calculators online to make sure your experience isn’t underwhelming or overwhelming!

So, are you ready to jump into your first magic truffle experience? Let us know in the comments.


  1. Polito, V., & Stevenson, R. (2019). A systematic study of microdosing psychedelics. PLoS ONE, 1-26.
  2. Synthesis — Psychedelic Truffles
  3. Reddit: r/shrooms — Has anyone tried magic truffles?
  4. Reddit: r/tripreports — Trip Report (long) of an absolutely magical experience: Taking 20 grams of magic truffles in the woods
  5. Reddit: r/PsychedSubstance — My amazing first experience with Magic Truffles
  6. Reddit: r/AmsterdamEnts — How Not To Trip On Truffles
  7. Reddit: r/Drugs — My experience with magic truffles

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About the Author

Having experienced the healing powers of nature first-hand, through cannabis and psychedelics, I now aim to educate and, hopefully, improve the lives of as many people as possible.

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