
While often thought of as a remnant from the Summer of Love, psychedelic drugs like psilocybin, LSD, peyote as well as DMT, ayahuasca and ibogaine are making their way back into mainstream culture as psychological research has recently revisited the use of psychedelics in experimental psychological treatment.

At a high level, psychedelics can be broken down into three categories:

  • Serotonergic: The “popular” psychedelic drugs like LSD, DMT, and mescaline which cause changes in your sensory perception including hallucinations;
  • Empathogens: Influence serotonin releasing neurons, providing sense of euphoria, love in addition to increased attentiveness and awareness with relatively mild changes to perception such as audio and visual stimuli; and
  • Dissociatives: Induce depersonalization and derealization in users, who. Users feel disconnected from the world, their surroundings, and even their own bodies.

At a chemical level, psychedelics can be classified into one of three types of chemical compounds: tryptamines, phenethylamines, or lysergamides.  Overall, these drugs rely on serotonin receptor agonism to trigger psychedelic experiences that include:

  • Thought/visual/auditory changes, and
  • Altered state of consciousness, commonly characterized by a higher state relative to ordinary experience. Integration Therapy

History of Psychedelic Integration Therapy

Psychedelic integration therapy is a form of mental health treatment that is different from mainstream psychotherapy. It was developed as a result of psychedelic therapy. The history of psychedelic therapy dates back to around the 1950s. At that time, researchers believed psychedelic drugs had the ability to treat certain mental health conditions. They called it […]

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Holotropic Breathwork Benefits

Holotropic Breathwork Benefits

As a treatment, holotropic breathwork benefits include physical, spiritual and emotional changes. As each of us is different in many ways, one person’s perceived benefit from holotropic breathwork may be of no relevance or interest to someone else. This means that when you try it yourself, your experience will vary compared to that of other […]

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